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I.Platform Access and Payment:

1.1 Upon the payment of consideration amounting to FIFTEEN THOUSAND PESOS (P15,000.00), the affiliate shall have a conditional access to the TRENDS platform powered by GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS, INC., pursuant to the provision of IX. Deactivation. The latter operates and offers numerous travel and tour services. Regarding the payment made, once the former activates their access to the portal, the amount paid ceases to be refundable.

II.Services Offered:

2.1 Subsequent to the purchase of the portal, affiliates are entitled to utilize the same subject to the restrictions provided by GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS, INC. These rights include: (1) Selling airline tickets, whether domestic or international; (2) Hotel booking and other similar engagements incidental to the purchase of the portal; (3) Tour packages, pertaining to local and/or international destinations; (4) Tourist visa services; (5) Travel insurance; (6) Bills payments; (7) Loading and cash-in through ECA pay. 

III.Marketing Support and Training:

3.1 It is unequivocal to the parties that materials incidental to operating the portal and growing the e-commerce business are supported by GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS, INC. Thus, it is incumbent upon the affiliate to attend scheduled training that will enhance the productivity of their services through the TRENDS portal, inclusive of materials such as, but not limited to: (1) Printabled soft copies of banners; (2) Flyers; (3) Presentations; and (4) Calling cards.

IV.Business Commencement:

4.1 It solely lies upon the prerogative of the affiliate after the payment of subsequent amount as to when and how they will commence the e-commerce business, as long as it does not violate the existing rules and policies of TRENDS. Moreover, the affiliate understands that the purchase made is only limited to the portal by TRENDS powered by GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS, INC., excluding the establishment of a physical office, other accessions, and accessories. However, this does not prejudice the affiliate to set up his or her own office or physical site where he/she can conduct business on a regular basis.

V.Pricing and Commission Structure:

5.1 Notwithstanding the autonomy given to the affiliates, GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS INC. has the authority to regulate every sale made by the former to assure that it is competitive in the market and does not prejudice the reputation of the latter. Hence, to further elucidate the commission structure:

5.1 A. (1) When the sale is executed by a non-affiliate, the rules outlined in this provision shall be observed. Upon the payment of the third person of fifteen thousand pesos (15,000). A 25% commission shall be based on the total amount paid. However, the corporation may impose a 10% income tax as a way of withholding tax to the receivable amount after getting the 25% commission.

5.1 B. (2) When the sale is executed by an affiliate, the rules outlined in this provision shall be observed. Upon the payment of the third person of fifteen thousand pesos (15,000). A 50% commission shall be based on the total amount paid. However, the corporation may impose a 10% income tax as a way of withholding tax to the receivable amount after getting the 50% commission.


VI.Modification Restrictions:

6.1 It is impermissible for the affiliate to make any alterations, modifications, amendments, extensions, additions, or any other acts similar thereto in relation to the utilization of TRENDS services and/or to the terms and conditions imposed by GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS INC., notwithstanding the autonomy given by the latter to the former to promote their business on social media platforms.


VII.Logo and Branding:

7.1 Pursuant to the inclusive service provided by GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS INC., the same is limited to the portal and other marketing accessories. However, if the affiliate pursues his/her own logo or other design to introduce his/her brand in the market by requesting the company for the creation of the same, it is therefore subject to additional charges.

7.2 Affiliates have the liberty to register a new brand name for their travel and tours business and introduce additional services at their own expense.

VIII.Top-up/Funding Wallet

8.1 Every TRENDS affiliate receives a welcome email containing a the schedule of training and an outline process on how to navigate the portal. This also includes the official bank accounts used for funding wallet and instructions.

8.2 Trends Users are required to have an initial locked fund worth of five thousand peos (P5,000.00)  This fund will serve as your security deposit as a member who understands the terms and conditions of the business. Consequently, the initial deposit made by the affiliate will be unlocked only when the latter reach one hundred thousand (P100,000.00) worth of transactions within no time limit, on all the services offered in the system. Furthermore, top up transactions will reflect after twenty four hours (24) from the said transaction. 




9.1 Trends users are required to use the system to enable them to fully enjoy the services offered by the company. Should the affiliate fail to use the portal for six (6) consecutive months, their access will be deactivated temporarily.

9.2 It is mandatory for the affiliate to have ten (10) transactions or not less than P3000 pesos worth of transactions per month, accumulated of all the services available in the system.

9.3 Users that are active in the referral program, closed at least (1) new user per month considered as an active member.

9.4 Should the affiliate fail to use the portal for one hundred eighty (180) days, the same shall be temporarily deactivated.

X.Reactivation Terms:

10.1 Pursuant to the temporary deactivation imposed in the preceding section, if the affiliate decides to reactivate his/her portal, the latter is obligated to write a letter expressing his/her intention and addressed to the TRENDS email address: Subsequently, portal reactivation charge P1000, on all the user’s failed to meet the requirements above.

10.2 Sending proof of transfer/payment to the official company bank account along with the request letter and reactivation process takes 1-3 banking days.


XI.System Maintenance:

11.1 GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS INC., will conduct system maintenance for the safety of the company and to continuously enjoy the services. We have an annual maintenance fee of P500 for all Trends system users, this will be automatically deducted from your wallet.


XII.Data Privacy Compliance:

12.1 All affiliate data collected by GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR AND TECHNOLOGY TRENDS INC. complies with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 to ensure data protection and privacy.


XIII.Legal Compliance:

13.1 Global Entrepreneurship and Technology Trends Inc. will take legal action in accordance with Philippine law against any affiliate found violating the terms and conditions outlined by the platform.

13.2 By accepting these terms and conditions, users acknowledge their commitment to comply.

Terms and Conditions for TRENDS Platform Users

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